महिला व बाल विकास विभाग, जळगाव भरती २०२१.
⇒ पदाचे नाव: व्यवस्थापक समन्वयक, समाजसेवक, नर्स, वैद्यकीय अधिकारी, आया, वॉचमन.
⇒ रिक्त पदे: 11 पदे.
⇒ नोकरी ठिकाण: जळगाव.
⇒ आवेदन का तरीका: ऑनलाईन (ई-मेल).
⇒ आवेदन का अंतिम तिथि: 21 मे 2021.
⇒ आवेदन पाठवण्याचा पत्ता: saajalgaon2021@gmail.com
Mahila Bal Vikas Vibhag (WCD) Jalgaon Bharti 2021: Mahila Bal Vikas Vibhag Jalgaon (Women & Child Development Department Jalgaon) announces new Recruitment to Fulfill the Vacancies For the posts Manager Coordinator, Social Worker, Nurse, Medical Officer, Ayah, Watchman. Eligible candidates are directed to submit their application offline through www.jalgaon.gov.in this Website. Total 11 Vacant Posts have been announced by Mahila Bal Vikas Vibhag Jalgaon (Women & Child Development Department Jalgaon) Recruitment Board, Jalgaon in the advertisement May 2021. Last date to submit application is 21st May 2021.
Educational Qualification (शैक्षणिक पात्रता)
Manager Coordinator: Degree in Sociology
Social Worker: Degree in Sociology
Nurse: B.Sc Nursing
Medical Officer: MBBS.DCH
Ayah: ANM
Watchman: 10th Pass
Selection Process (भर्ती प्रक्रिया)
Selection Process is: Test and/or interview